About Namecheap
Namecheap is a leading provider of domain registration and web hosting services, founded in 2000. With a reputation for competitive pricing and excellent customer support, Namecheap offers a range of web-related services to individuals and businesses.
Domain Registration and Web Hosting
Domain Registration
Namecheap offers a wide selection of domain name extensions and tools to help users find the perfect domain for their online presence.
Web Hosting
Namecheap provides reliable and scalable web hosting solutions, from shared hosting to dedicated servers, to meet the needs of websites of all sizes.
Website Builder
With Namecheap's user-friendly website builder, customers can easily create and customize professional-looking websites without any coding knowledge.
Security and Privacy Features


SSL Certificates
Namecheap offers a range of SSL certificates to secure website connections and protect customer data.


WhoisGuard Privacy Protection
Namecheap's WhoisGuard service helps customers maintain their online privacy by masking their personal information in domain Whois records.


DNS Management
Namecheap's user-friendly DNS management tools allow customers to easily control and monitor their website's domain name system.
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